Sunday, November 21, 2010

Whats Been Going On...

Well, here I am again, going 2 weeks in between blogs.  I promise to make up for it this week! :o) I'm going to be making a post at least once a day in honor of Thanksgiving to let everyone know what I am Thankful for each day, as well as a few "extras"! Since Thanksgiving week starts today my first post will start tonight! YAY

Here are a few pics from the last few weeks...

Sweet girl playing with her popper toy...not sure the real name of it! lol

running around outside! my fav!

I love standing in my chair more than I like sitting in it...

My boss wanted me to make her a turkey arrangement so voila! here it is! Gobble Gobble!

Anyway, on to whats been going on....last weekend one of my great friends from college got married.  Ashley and her new husband, Max have dated for over 6 years, going on 7 (I think, lol) so this wedding has been a long time coming!  I was honored that she asked me to me part of her special day and do a scripture reading.  So my bff April and our good friend Carlos headed to Louisiana last Thursday, the 11th.  It was a really fun trip.  April and I hadn't been on a "girls" trip since the summer of 2005, so needless to say it was a long time coming.  I am so grateful that April and I have been able to go on 2 trips together this year, both in just the last 3 months!  Hopefully we will be able to go on a trip every 3 months...i'm sure our husbands and our check books would love that idea, ha! Anyway, even though the weekend was about Ashley and Max's big day, we were still able to get some eating, shopping, and girl talk in!  Love you Ape! Or as Briley says Apple! lol 
From what I hear Briley missed me very much and I defiantly missed her.  For some reason I had a really hard time leaving her.  I have been away from her before but I guess it has just been a while and we have gotten so close over the last few months.  Not that we weren't close before but I feel like the older she gets the more personality she develops and the more she is like a little person as opposed to a baby.  Makes me happy and sad at the same time ;o)!!
Pic with Kim at the rehearsal dinner...sadly I didn't take many photos this weekend :o(

Some of our photos from the photo booth!! So fun!

Monday, the 15th was Michael's 28th birthday!! We had already celebrated with his mom, grandmother, and sister's family the previous weekend, but we went to dinner with my family on his actual b-day.  My grandmothers birthday is on the 13th so we usually celebrate their birthdays together anyway.  It was a fun night.  They both got lots of goodies along with some yummy carrot cake! Happy Birthday Michael and Maw!
Briley at Daddy's birthday dinner

Daddy, Nana, and Briley

Momma, Dada, Briley!

Over the last few weeks, I have been busy putting together a shoe box for Operation Christmas Child.

"The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ."

You basically pick up a shoe box at one of the participating churches in your city, choose weather you want the box to go to a boy or a girl, choose an age range and fill the box with toys, personal hygiene items, and candy to help bring joy to a child's life on Christmas.  It was so exciting to be part of this and we will defiantly be participating again next year.  We choose to give our box to a little girl, age 2-4 years of age since that was closest to our daughters age.  You can also include a note to the child and/or a family photo.  We didn't include a photo this time, mainly because I never made it to Walgreen's to make a copy but Michael and I did write the sweet little girl a letter.  I really hope she enjoys her gifts and I hope it makes her feel special and loved this Holiday Season!

our box! (bad pic though)

Friday, the 19th Briley and I went to the Holiday Mart with Mamaw (Michael's step-mom).  It was my first time going.  It was very crowded to say the least, lol!  It took me almost 30 minutes to find a parking space, and I'm not exaggerating...but other than that it was very neat.  I had no idea it was so big and that there would be so much to see.  I also walked away with a few Christmas presents which was nice! 
That night we celebrated Michael's birthday with his dad and step-mom at a local hibachi restaurant.  Needless to say we were miserable when we left!

ready to go bye bye!

having some lunch! (we usually dont let her eat on the couch but I made an exception that day! lol)

perdy girl!

loving on my little doggy!

Saturday we had planned on going to the TN game but we ended up staying home because we were both so tired.  So glad we did because we got so much done here and we were even able to relax since GiGi and Poppy kept Briley all day Saturday.  We picked her up today after church.  She had a fun time as usual.  I ended up cleaning all afternoon today (not fun) but it had to be done!  I ended up going grocery shopping tonight to get the thanksgiving groceries for Thursday! Mmmm...makes me hungry just thinking about all of the goodies to come!!
Looking cute as always in my TN attire!

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