Monday, December 13, 2010

Thanksgiving Fun!

So I started drafting this message like 2 1/2 weeks ago and completely forgot to finish.  Go me! Anyway Thanksgiving was fun and hectic, as always, but more on the fun side :o).  I cooked alot (6 casseroles and 2 desserts) and it was yummy along with all of the other goodies we ate.  We had 3 stops to make, 2 on Thanksgiving day and 1 the day after.  I'm pretty sure I gained 10lbs those 2 days but it was all so worth it!  We didn't go black Friday shopping, I usually don't since we have Thanksgiving with my family the day after and also because I just don't feel like getting up at the crack of dawn and waiting in the long lines! I'm sure I will when Briley gets a little older and the deals are worth going for but for now i'm good sleeping in that day ;o)!

I also attempted a little photo shoot with Briley during Thanksgiving "break" to try and get a shot for the Christmas card.  She doesn't do really well in front of the camera right now either but we got some decent pictures anyway.  During the process, she ended up falling down in the driveway and scratching her little nose.  I so felt horrible.  We both cried our eyes out!  She is always tripping over her own 2 feet and sadly to say, she gets it from me.  We are both very clumsy! I just hope she grows out of it :o(

Sunday we went shopping in Nashville.  It was "ok".  We really didn't have anyone to keep Briley that day since it was on a Sunday morning when we went.  She does NOT do well in the car these days, or with shopping for long periods of time and it was pretty much torture for her.  She did ok on the way up there and it was down hill from there.  I felt so bad for her.  Needless to say we didn't get done what we had planned on getting done and it pretty much stressed everyone out.  But it is what it is. I just hated that Briley was so unhappy!

Here are a few pictures from the week/weekend!!

Silly girl playing one night before bed!

I thought this was a funny face! She is all about making goofy faces right now!

Day before Thanksgiving~Poor thing was ready for a nap before we even made it out the door that day!

Looking for Elmo! She loves to get into the movie drawer.  Guess I should probably move it up where she can't reach it! lol

Happy Turkey Day! Briley looks thrilled!

Cutie Pie in her Turkey attire!

Chowing Down! Miss picky only ate turkey, mac and cheese, and rolls all day! lol

This is how she really felt taking Christmas card pictures...

She finally calmed down...this was a runner up

But this was our WINNER! I would have loved to see some teeth but this picture really does describe her perfectly! Funny, sweet, happy, sneaky, and just plain precious!

After we scratched our nose.  Poor baby!

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